ALW – Facilities

Home ALW – Facilities

Are you an approved ALW Facility Provider?

Have you ever wondered about the Residential Habilitation Services?

This service is available to ALW-approved residents requiring additional appropriate staff to assist in acquiring, retaining, and improving the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills. 
 Community Assists will determine if your ALW resident meets the requirement to add additional funding for care, current rates are $27/hour, billable through Medi-Cal.  Would this help your facility to hire other caregivers to keep your resident safe and sound?

We will work with you and selected Care Coordination Agencies (CCA) to see if Residential Habilitation Services is right for your resident(s)

Do you have ALW residents who have a diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with severe mental/cognitive disabilities due to this injury?  Has your current Care Coordination Agencies (CCA) not successfully obtained Tier 5 approval ($200/day)?

Community Assists will work with you and selected Care Coordination Agencies (CCA), which has received the approval of Tier 5 residents.  $200 per day would benefit your facility while ensuring a better quality of life for your residents. 

Community Assists would like to provide your facility approved ALW referrals to get your open beds filled.

Do you need Help becoming an Approved ALW Provider? 

  • Have you tried to complete the ALW provider application?
  • Are you finding it difficult to get the answers you need to complete the application process?
  • Have you heard back from the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) that your application needs correction?
  • Are you running out of time?

Community Assists has assisted several RCFE/ALF on becoming an approved ALW facility.

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